Wednesday, April 2, 2008

March 2 Assignment

The Great Depression was a period in United States History when buisness was poor and many people were out of work.The Great Depression lasted from 1929-1941.

Monday, March 17, 2008

World War 1

The u.s. entered the war in 1917.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Friday, February 1, 2008

Freedom Writer's Diary/Rebellion

When I get fustrated or mad I fight with my brothers and sisters. We only play fight but some times it gets serious.Not always.My brother that I fight with is 14years old.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Dances with wolves Movie Review

In this movie called "Dancing With Wolves" in my opinion there are two main characters they are Kevin Costner and Mary McDonnell.

The time of this movie is, 1800's. This movie took place in the mid west.To my recollection this was a adventure/drama movie.

This movie was based on a true story. It was about a man who was a solider and met a Indian tribe called the Sioux. During his discovery he met a very beautiful women in the Sioux tribe and eventually married her. When he went back to his frontier there were soldiers there to capture him, because they thought he was a Indian.

The costume design was kind of cool. It was cool to me because it looked liked what Indians would wear back then. Also When they hurt the animals it really looked real. Also the solders costume looked real.

This movie was a very great movie especially if you like adventure movies. If I wre to give this movie a 1-10 rating I would give it a 8.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Freedman's Beureu

At the end of the Civil War the freed slaves have destroyed houses with big holes. For example, some of the houses were made out of branches and wood.Also some of the homes only had one wall because the other side was blown off because of the Civil War. There were also families that didn't have any homes and were living on the streets. The schools were very small and they would have 50 kids in 1 school.

Our goal as the Freedmen's Beureu is to try to help fix all the damaged buildings in the area. We should also build buildings for the less fortunate, like the onenes that are on the street. We make better schools and more than one in one area.

We should create jobs such as construction workers, engineers, and schools that speciliz in these things.