Friday, November 16, 2007

Freedman's Beureu

At the end of the Civil War the freed slaves have destroyed houses with big holes. For example, some of the houses were made out of branches and wood.Also some of the homes only had one wall because the other side was blown off because of the Civil War. There were also families that didn't have any homes and were living on the streets. The schools were very small and they would have 50 kids in 1 school.

Our goal as the Freedmen's Beureu is to try to help fix all the damaged buildings in the area. We should also build buildings for the less fortunate, like the onenes that are on the street. We make better schools and more than one in one area.

We should create jobs such as construction workers, engineers, and schools that speciliz in these things.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sherman's March to Sea

Sherman’s March to Sea

The march to sea began in Atlanta on November 15, 1864. The thing with Savannah concluded on December 21, 1864. Sherman went across the Atlantic Ocean to prove to the confederate population that its government could not protect the people from invaders. Sherman spent several weeks making preparations for a change of base to the coast. He collected food for his men and searched for his animals.

Sherman divided his army into two separate wings. Sherman had about 2,500 supply wagons and 600 ambulances. The two separate wings stood twenty miles to forty miles apart. The right wing headed for Macon and the left wing went to Augusta. 650men were killed or wounded on the confederate side.

After Fort McAllister fell, Sherman was preparing for a siege of Savannah. He offered Savannah and its 25,000 bales of cotton to the president as a Christmas present. Sherman terrorized the countryside and his men had destroyed all sources of food and left behind hungry people. By marching through Georgia and South Carolina he became an arch villain in the South and a hero in t north.

By: Timothy Del Orbe, Gregory Pollard, Jawne Ruiz, and Bryant Alexander.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Abraham Lincoln Diary Entry

April 14, 1865
Abraham Lincoln

Dear, Diary
I’m very stressed out. I’m very stressed out because I’ve been traveling the states with only 2 hours of sleep. It is very hard to run a country with only 2 hours of sleep. I’m sad because of the stress. Also the stress is making me look 90 being that I’m 50. All this stress came from the Civil War. I’m a little bit calm because General Robert E. Lee surrendered.

The way he surrendered was he marched his troops to Appomattox were a train would be awaiting him full of guns and ammunition. But then the north blew up the north ammunition. With his supplies at Appomattox destroyed, Lee now looked to the railway at Lynchburg, where more supplies awaited him. But the union troops were moving in on him.

General Grant {north}, sent a note to Lee {south} Asking him if he would like to surrender, and Lee said no. General Grant orders Sheridan to deploy three divisions of cavalry along a low ridge to the southwest of the Appomattox courthouse, anticipating a battle with Lee’s troops. The south responded by attacking General John B. Gordon attacked Sheridan’s cavalry and quickly forced back the first line.

Gordon’s troops charged through the union lines and took the ridge, but as they reached the crest they saw the entire union xxiv corps in the line of the battle. Lee asked the progress he was told: “Tell General Lee I have fought my corps to a frazzle, and I fear I can do nothing unless I am heavily supported”.

Then Lee said there is nothing left to do but go see General Grant, and I would rather die a thousand deaths.

On April 9, 1865 Lee surrenders at Appomattox. When every man surrenders to a war he is allowed terms.

The terms of Lee surrender:
· The south solders are allowed to keep their horses and pistols.
· All rifles, cannons, and military arms must be returned to the union.

· All south troops must be allowed to return to their homes in peace, without arrest or attack.

Today I hopefully want some of the stress to go away I am going the Ford Theater to go see American cousin with my wife.

By: Timothy
Del Orbe

Friday, October 12, 2007

intro about me

My name is Timothy John Delorbe. I attend Academy of Environmental Science. My favorite hobbies are video games, football, basketball, and baseball. My favorite subjects in school are social studies, math, science, and gym.